My favorite laundry detergent is made by Seventh Generation. I am currently using their Free & Clear variety which is fragrance free. However, I have also tried the Blue Eucalyptus & Lavender and I am a fan. Seventh Generation uses only essential oils to scent their products. It is concentrated, so a little goes a long way. Try it out and give yourself a big pat on the back for taking a major step to be clean and green!
If you're ready for more, try out a green fabric softener. I spent some time trying to find an alternative to conventional fabric softener. Once again, Seventh Generation comes to the rescue! They make disposable, paper fabric softener sheets. I really liked them, but I wanted to find an alternative that was re-useable, so I kept searching. Enter, Nellie's Dryer Balls. These dryer balls work like those you see advertised on TV without the use of PVC. They bounce around in your dryer with your clothes to make them fluffy. They are terrific and they double as a cat toy when you shake them out of your clothes when you are completing the arduous task of folding. Another alternative to use is my old pal, vinegar. I read that adding a bit to your laundry works wonders. I haven't tested that one out just yet. The dryer balls last 2 years, so I will test it out when that time is up.
While I love Nelllie's Dryer Balls for making our clothes fluffy and soft, they don't do much to prevent static cling. Ouch, literally. I had to find something to prevent static cling! I decided to try these Static Eliminator sheets and I must report that I am pleased. Static reduction without chemicals and they are reuseable. Since the sheets do not contain any chemicals, they are safe for sensitive skin and allergy sufferers. For my mommy friends, they are even safe to use with cloth diapers. The Static Eliminator sheets are good for 500 uses, score! Be sure to use two at a time. They are meant to work together.
Where to purchase:
Seventh Generation detergent and fabric softener
Seventh Generation (Shop through Ebates and you get 6% cash back.)
Bed Bath & Beyond (Don't forget to use your 20% off coupon.)*
Nellie's Dryer Balls
Nellie's All Natural
Static Eliminator sheets
Static Eliminator
If you use my savings tips above, these laundry helpers are definitely DEALS!
*If you don't get them in the mail, hurry up and join BBB's mailing list. Their coupons are awesome and they never expire!