Sunday, August 15, 2010

Carol's Daughter...

In January, I made a little resolution to completely switch my beauty regime over to strictly non toxic products by the end of the year AND to get this blog up and running. Both are a work in progress....

In the process, I discovered a fantastic web site run by the Environmental Working Group called Skin Deep. It's a database of cosmetic and personal care items that rates each item on its safety (use of toxins). The color coded scale of 0 - 10 is much like a traffic light. Green (0-2), of course, giving the "go ahead" on a product.  I started by searching the products I was using to see how they rated.  I didn't encounter too many green lights and sadly, all of the red lights were lip products!

I should confess, I am obsessed with lip products. Lip gloss, lipstick, lip balm - I love them all!  I never seem to have less than eight in my bag at any one time. (And I know I'm not alone.)  After my visit to the Skin Deep web site, I had to accept that my biggest challenge was going to be finding non toxic substitutes for my beloved lip products.  Yikes!

Imagine how happy I was when I discovered a kick ass lip balm almost immediately! Allow me to introduce you to Carol's Daughter. Fellow New Yorker, Lisa Price, began making beauty products by hand for her friends and family in her apartment in Brooklyn in 1993. Over time, word got around and her hobby has transformed into a company. Carol's Daughter has two store locations and can be found in many fine establishments throughout the country. The best part about this company in my opinion is that Ms. Price has not changed her values. Production may have moved from her kitchen to a warehouse, but her products are still made with the same natural, non toxic ingredients BY HAND.

Her Lip Butter is phenomenal! It softens using cocoa butter, sweet almond oil, beeswax, shea butter and a few other delicious additions. It smells like almond cookies and is very emollient. I use it before I go to sleep at night or whenever my lips need a super dose of moisture especially in the winter. It also has a nice shine too if you want to use it all day long. All this fabulous rates a ZERO on the EWG scale, a very good thing indeed! Spend some time checking out this very cool company. I adore it!

Carol's Daughter products can be found here:

If you would like to see how your products rate on the scale:

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