Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It's no secret that I attempting to rid my life of toxins. And it's no surprise that toxins come in all forms such as the pesticides or preservatives we ingest with our food in the name of nourishment and the chemicals we apply to our skin in the name of beauty. It's just that some forms are more surprising than others.  What about the stuff we keep in our lives beyond its value?  I believe these qualify as toxins in their own way and yet we don't always allow ourselves the freedom to let it go.  I'm the worst with letting go.  However, I've said goodbye to processed foods and icky beauty products with relative ease.  I'm having fun finding products that work better than the gross ones I used for years.  So what's the problem?

Here I am, a girl on a journey to simplify her life by making healthy, sustainable choices and telling toxins to "kiss off."  Yet, I still have toxic stuff standing in the way of my simple life in the form of CLUTTER.  Did I mention I'm the worst at letting go?  There's no need to call "Hoarders," put the phone down.  I do get rid of things, but it takes me a little longer than the average bear.  I feel guilty getting rid of gifts I have received because someone spent put their time and thought into choosing it for me. Or I feel guilty because I think I'm being wasteful and should just find a use for the item. Well, I think enough is enough.  It's time to let go of things that no longer have a use or purpose and things that are no longer precious or loved.  It's time to clear this clutter to make space for the things that matter to me - like updating this blog more than twice a year (!) or playing piano or maintaining a regular yoga practice.   Hmm, when I look at the things I love, they aren't things at all.   I'm calling this The Summer Simplification Project a.k.a. getting rid of the toxins cluttering my personal space and creativity.

I think this project really began last summer albeit unbeknownst to me.  You see, I went on a DIY tear. I had already had some success with simple DIY beauty products and I decided to venture into the realm of food.  If there was something that I loved from my "processed past," (like, say, Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing), I thought "I think I can make it myself."  And by Google, I could!  If I tried something at a restaurant that I loved, I aspired to make it myself.  Pretty soon, "I think I can" became "I totally can" and I learned it's pretty rad to make it yourself.  I didn't stop at food.  I went back to beauty products and tried more complex recipes.  As a result, I haven't bought lip balm (HUGE!) or whole wheat bread in a year.  I find a lot of satisfaction from making things myself and controlling the ingredients.   As my confidence builds, I have branched out to such things as butter, barbecue sauce, and face wash (although not together, that would be gross).  My personal care routine is slowly becoming populated with homemade products instead of bringing home more "stuff."  Making more from scratch has been fun and simple enough.  I think it has prepared me for the next step.

This summer, I continue my journey to simplification with Part II: a massive decluttering project in our house!  I'm ready to let go of the stuff and the guilt that goes with it.  This blog post appropriately titled "Permission to Let Go" was very helpful and motivating.  While I can't justify simply throwing out items I no longer want or need, I am ready to donate them to a good cause.  Goodwill, here I come!

In Part II, I will also add more items to my "I can totally make it myself" list, reduce the waste I produce by improving my composting skills and being mindful of packaging on products I purchase, and determine if an item really has purpose BEFORE I buy it so I avoid the whole need to purge things in the first place!

Do you have any "hidden" toxins lurking your home and cluttering up your space?  Maybe we should all try to be more like this incredible family from the UK.  I don't think clutter is really an issue for them.

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