Saturday, November 26, 2011

Magnificent multitaskers

I bought this oil over a year ago.  It is only recently, however, that I have truly fallen in love with it.  I'm a big multi-tasker, so when I discover a product that can multi-task as well as I can, it's a big win.  Argan oil is light and makes a terrific facial moisturizer in the winter because it moisturizes deeply while absorbing quickly. Your skin will not feel greasy and the oil mimics your skin's oil production which means no clogged pores either.  That is happy news. You can also use it as a quick hand moisturizer or cuticle oil. It is EXCELLENT at removing waterproof mascara. Simply apply a drop or two to your ring finger and wipe it across your lashes before you wash your face.  You can also follow up with a little baby shampoo - my every day eye makeup remover. (More on that later.)

My favorite use it as an under eye moisturizer.  While I'm not obsessed with avoiding wrinkles, the skin under my eyes can become uncomfortably dry especially in the winter.  Most eye creams are so heavy that they never absorb into my skin and I'm left with an oil slick in the morning.  This is not the case with argan oil.  I dab a drop between my ring fingers, pat it on and my eyelids are refreshed in the morning.  I swear the lines are smoother as well.  It helps me look like I've had enough rest even when that isn't the case.  You use only a few drops at a time (3 for the face, 1 for the eyelids), so the product lasts a very long time.  I use the Josie Maran Argan Oil travel size and it lasts nearly a year (unless you spill it all over the counter - ALWAYS be sure to screw the cap back on when you are done.  Otherwise, you may lean forward and knock over the bottle, spilling the oil all over the counter and into the vanity drawers.  It WILL be a hassle to clean up.  Oops!).  I usually purchase this product from Sephora through Ebates, a nifty little web site that reimburses you for shopping through their links like a rebate.*  For its low price, long life, and multiple uses, it truly is a toxin free bargain.

Here's another multi-tasking all star.  My eye doctor recommended using baby shampoo to wash eye makeup off because it avoids tugging the eyelids like using standard eye makeup removers with a cotton ball.  I gave it a try thinking that baby shampoo must be the gentlest, most toxin free product there is.  I took for granted that the baby shampoo would have very few to no toxins.  I mean, it's shampoo for BABIES, after all.  Sadly, this is not the case.  I looked into it and baby shampoos had the same toxins as regular shampoos including artificial fragrance.  Some "no tears" formulas even use numbing agents to mask the stinging in the eyes.  What?!

Enter California Baby Super Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash, No Fragrance.  It does not sting, it washes off eye makeup and I recognize each of the ingredients on the label.  It is now my daily eye makeup remover of choice - suds a bit up on your fingers, lightly rub across your lids, rinse, and voila!  No more eye makeup or raccoon eyes when you wake up in the morning.  Its awesome powers do not end there.  Its title already alludes to its multi-tasking prowess as it is a shampoo and body wash.  I've used it for both.  It makes my hair and skin really soft.  It is gentle enough to be used as a face wash without stripping your skin of necessary moisture and you can add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice to make an excellent hand soap.  It clearly makes a great travel companion since you can fit 4 products in the space of 1 on the go.  I imagine it would also be terrific for babies since it was made with them in mind!

The small bottle costs about $12 for 8.5 oz.  A little goes a long way, so it is still a great deal.  You can also purchase 19 oz bottle for around $22.  I have only purchased the 8.5 oz. bottle because it lasted about 10 months. So far, I have been nothing but impressed with any California Baby products that I have tried (Again, for myself - I have not had any babies testing the products.)  Their products are made in the USA, are toxin free and are created through sustainable practices.  It is definitely a company to keep an eye on for yourself and your children.

You can purchase California Baby Shampoos & Body Washes at: (also on Ebates)
Whole Foods
Bed Bath & Beyond

*If you do a lot of online shopping, Ebates is totally worth it because it gives you money back on purchases you are making anyway.  I've used it for years and it couldn't be easier.  If you are interested in trying it, you can use my referral link here and get $5 back with your first purchase. :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summertime And The Living is Delicious!

Yum! There is nothing better than fresh produce.
Summer is in full swing and that means we are all enjoying more fresh fruit and vegetables in our lives (most likely).  It also means CSA season has started. CSA stands for "community supported agriculture" and it has recently become one of my favorite things.  To participate, one pays for a share of the harvest from a local farm. My husband and I joined a CSA three summers ago at an organic farm about half an hour from our home. It was truly a life changing experience for us. It has really made us more mindful of what we eat and how our food is grown.  We love to see the new vegetables that Phil (our farmer) has prepared for us each week. (Yes, we ARE on a first name basis with our farmer, are you?)  

I have learned through practice that organic produce really does make a difference.  Organic produce is better for us not because it contains more nutrients, but because it does NOT contain the added chemicals of pesticides and it is kinder to the soil.  If you are able, buying local, organic produce is preferable. It supports local agriculture and business and the produce gets to your table faster.  The nutrients in produce are diminishing from the moment they are harvested, so a quick trip to your home means more nutrients in your meals.

Now, I know that going all organic can be extremely expensive and quite frankly, changing the way you eat isn't a change that happens all at once.  It is a process that occurs by making one or two small changes at a time.  If you are interested in buying more organic foods, but you also don't want to break the bank, here are some foods to start you out.  The following 12 fruits or vegetables are items that we should all buy organic as they absorb the highest amounts of pesticide when conventionally grown.  These results were collected by the EWG, an advocacy nonprofit organization.

"The Dirty Dozen"
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Strawberries  (this one in particular kills me because organic strawberries are hard to come by)
4. Peaches
5. Spinach
6. Grapes (imported)
7. Sweet Bell Peppers
8. Potatoes
9. Blueberries (domestic)*
10. Nectarines (imported)
11. Lettuce
12. Kale/collard greens

Fear not, there is some good news if I just listed many of your favorites and you are seeing your entire food budget disappear before your eyes.  If you make the commitment to spend the extra money on the organic items listed above, you can save money by buying THESE conventionally grown items.  This produce is more resistant to absorbing pesticides than their thin skinned counterparts above.  Happy days!

"The Clean Fifteen"
1. Onions
2. Pineapples
3. Sweet corn
4. Avocado
5. Asparagus
6. Sweet peas
7. Mangoes
8. Eggplant
9. Cantaloupe (domestic)
10. Kiwi
11. Cabbage
12. Watermelon
13. Sweet potatoes
14. Grapefruit
15. Mushrooms

If you're in the grocery store and you can't remember these lists, don't panic.  I certainly don't have them memorized!  Shopping in a more mindful manner, is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Thin skin or berries = ALWAYS buy organic
2. Thick skin or eggplant = OK to buy conventional
3. Shop at a local farmer's market WHENEVER possible

If you have the opportunity to join a CSA this season or in the future, I highly recommend that you join.  It is really special to be part of the process and to see where your veggies are grown.  It can also spice up your culinary skills as you learn new ways to prepare all of that fresh produce! Go enjoy some organic summer produce!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Quick Tip for Peanut Butter Lovers

Happy Memorial Day!  A quick tip for all you lovers of organic peanut butter.  LOVE the flavor, but hate the mess?  Me too!  The natural separation of the peanut oil makes it nearly impossible to keep all of the oil IN the jar while stirring it well to blend.  If you are anything like me, more than a little peanut oil has dripped down the sides of the jar and possibly all over the counter every time...yikes!

Well, now you can save yourself the hassle (and clean up) by changing how you store the peanut butter.  A friend recommended I store the peanut butter jar UPSIDE DOWN after I stir it up.  I'm willing to try anything to prevent the peanut oil mess.  The fridge didn't work for me, so I tried storing it upside down.

Believe it or not, it works.  Stir your peanut butter really well the first time you open it, then store it upside down to enjoy creamy (or crunchy) blended peanut butter every time without any additives.  Amazing!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Clean and Green Laundry Time

I'm dedicating this particular post to my good friend, Victoria, because she asked me about it a few weeks ago.  The laundry room is one of the first places I started my green up act well over a year ago.  It is an easy place to start if you are new to using green and non toxic practices in your home and it makes a big difference.  By using non toxic laundry detergent you can rest easy knowing that you are not adding chemicals to your ground water or your personal life!

My favorite laundry detergent is made by Seventh Generation. I am currently using their Free & Clear variety which is fragrance free.  However, I have also tried the Blue Eucalyptus & Lavender and I am a fan.  Seventh Generation uses only essential oils to scent their products.  It is concentrated, so a little goes a long way.  Try it out and give yourself a big pat on the back for taking a major step to be clean and green!

If you're ready for more, try out a green fabric softener.  I spent some time trying to find an alternative to conventional fabric softener.  Once again, Seventh Generation comes to the rescue!  They make disposable, paper fabric softener sheets.  I really liked them, but I wanted to find an alternative that was re-useable, so I kept searching.  Enter, Nellie's Dryer Balls.  These dryer balls work like those you see advertised on TV without the use of PVC.  They bounce around in your dryer with your clothes to make them fluffy.  They are terrific and they double as a cat toy when you shake them out of your clothes when you are completing the arduous task of  folding.  Another alternative to use is my old pal, vinegar.  I read that adding a bit to your laundry works wonders.  I haven't tested that one out just yet.  The dryer balls last 2 years, so I will test it out when that time is up.

While I love Nelllie's Dryer Balls for making our clothes fluffy and soft, they don't do much to prevent static cling.  Ouch, literally.  I had to find something to prevent static cling!  I decided to try these Static Eliminator sheets and I must report that I am pleased.  Static reduction without chemicals and they are reuseable.  Since the sheets do not contain any chemicals, they are safe for sensitive skin and allergy sufferers.  For my mommy friends, they are even safe to use with cloth diapers.  The Static Eliminator sheets are good for 500 uses, score!  Be sure to use two at a time.  They are meant to work together.

Where to purchase:
Seventh Generation detergent and fabric softener
Seventh Generation (Shop through Ebates and you get 6% cash back.)
Bed Bath & Beyond (Don't forget to use your 20% off coupon.)* 

Nellie's Dryer Balls
Nellie's All Natural

Static Eliminator sheets
Static Eliminator

If you use my savings tips above, these laundry helpers are definitely DEALS!

*If you don't get them in the mail, hurry up and join BBB's mailing list.  Their coupons are awesome and they never expire!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Delicious yogurt!

AH, yogurt!  It's so tasty.  Easy to grab on the go, it gets along well with others and it's a healthy choice.  I love mixing it up with granola for a filling breakfast or making dips with it.  It also does a killer job of thickening soups without the fat and calories of cream.  Clearly, I'm a big fan. 

My absolute favorite store brand is Stonyfield Farms Low Fat French Vanilla.  It is important to me to choose organic yogurt to avoid antibiotics and growth hormones and Stonyfield Farms is a great little organic company based out of Vermont.  I always buy the 32 oz. container because it uses less packaging and it is better for the environment. 
 As I said, that yogurt is my favorite store brand, but my ABSOLUTE favorite is the yogurt I make at home.  I was so happy to discover that yogurt is not that difficult to make.  I'm happy to share the recipe with you here. 

When you're done, you can use a bit of your homemade yogurt as a relaxing face mask.  Apply a thin layer, lay down and let it sink in for 20 minutes.  Rinse and enjoy your softened and renewed skin.  Yogurt, the good little multi-tasker!

Homemade Organic Yogurt
4 cups organic milk (whole or low fat)
1/4 cup of yogurt with live active cultures - this will be your 'base"(I used Stonyfield Farm, obviously)
You will need a candy thermometer, pot and glass jars/containers (I use the Small Batter Bowl from The Pampered Chef because it is the perfect size.)

Attach the candy thermometer to the pot. Over medium heat, bring the milk to a simmer. Stirring frequently to prevent scalding.  Now, adjust the heat accordingly to keep the milk foamy and steaming at 185 degrees for 30 minutes. DO NOT let the milk boil.

After 30 minutes, remove the pot of milk from the heat and allow it to cool to lukewarm (112 degrees). This takes about 30 minutes. If you have an electric stove, boil some water while you wait.  If you have a gas stove, you can skip that part.

When the milk has reached lukewarm status, either turn the oven on warm (electric) or turn the pilot light on (gas). Whisk the yogurt into the milk until well incorporated. Pour the milk mixture into a glass container(s) and cover. You can use plastic wrap.

Place a lasagna pan on the bottom rack of the oven and pour the boiling water into the pan if you have an electric stove. (Skip this step if you have a gas stove)  Put the covered milk mixture in the oven. Turn the oven off and leave it there for 8 hours. Voila, yogurt! Transfer to the fridge and enjoy. For a milder flavor, shorten the oven time up to 2 hours. Makes about 32 oz.

Be sure to put some of your yogurt aside to be the base for your next batch.  And if you start to experiment with flavors, be sure to add them when you are heating the milk on the stove.  

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Look, there's a superstar cleaner in your pantry!

There is nothing better than a sparkling, freshly cleaned shower.  The only downside is how quickly said shower gets dirty again!  We also get this odd orange film on the grout after a few days from minerals in the water.  It can feel like fighting a losing battle against that orange film and soap scum.  Imagine how thrilled I was to find  a product made specifically to spray after a shower to diminish the buildup of soap scum, etc.  Sadly, that spray had to go when we went green because non toxic it wasn't.

Then, Method appeared on the scene.  I'm a big fan of their products and their company.  If you haven't tried any of their products, definitely check them out.  They created a post-shower spray and I was all over it.  It was $2.99 a bottle and it kept soap scum at bay.  It wasn't as strong a match for the orange film, but we weren't loading up on toxic chemicals every time we sprayed it.  What could be better than that?

It turns out there was something better hanging out in my pantry all along.  I recently read that plain, old vinegar could be used as a spray to kill mildew and mold.  I figured, what the hell?  If it can kill 82% of mold, maybe it can do some damage to soap buildup and mineral deposits.  I filled a bottle with white vinegar and sprayed away.  I was AMAZED.  The vinegar definitely breaks down the soap.  Oh, and my nemesis, the orange film?  It hasn't reared its ugly head since my new friend, vinegar came to town.  I swear that our shower sparkles.  At $2.99/GALLON, I'm in love.   I get to clean the shower a little less often because vinegar is doing all the work for me!

As you can imagine, your bathroom will smell slightly like salad dressing for a while, but the aroma fades quickly.  The trick is to spray the shower right before you leave the bathroom.  If you really don't like the smell, take a deep breath BEFORE you spray and close the door behind you.  Trust me, it is well worth it!

Here are a few links to Real Simple magazine.  They have a list of other interesting uses for this fantastic little workhorse.  Who knew?

10 New Uses for Vinegar
Cleaning with Vinegar

This one seems particularly well-timed with all of this snow!
Clean Salt-Stained Shoes

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pomega5 Lemongrass Clarifying Cleansing Bar

Oh, Pomega5 Lemongrass Clarifying Cleansing Bar, how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways:

1. You manage to blend some of my favorite foods (pomegranate and olive oil) to nourish my skin.
2. You smell delicious! (Thanks to eucalyptus and lemongrass essential oils.)
3. You adhere to the (stricter than the FDA)  regulations of the European Union.
4. You were created using organic and biodynamic ingredients exclusively.
5. You make my fair, acne-prone, super sensitive, extremely difficult and dare I say, "problematic" skin happy.
6. You're a multi-tasker! (The herbs along the side the bar can be used to exfoliate my skin.)
7. Your company participates in sustainable practices.
8. You last for a ridiculously LONG time. (5-6 months)
9. You travel well.
10. At $19.95/bar, I spend $4-$5 on facewash.  That's the least amount of money I've spent on a facewash ever!

Get your own bar at:
Isabella Catalog - One of my favorite web sites/catalogs. I wish I would have thought of it! 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2011, a year in which I am hopeful I will update my blog more frequently (for all 3 of my readers). :)

If you are anything like me, you may have spent the last 2 weeks or so eating more delicious treats than you are apt to do the rest of the year.  I have a MAJOR sweet tooth and so many heavenly desserts abound during the holiday season that I go a little buck wild.  One can't feel beautiful while hopped up on sugar all the time, so after the New Year, I really need to hit the reset button and get back to my usual, reasonable eating habits.

If you could also use a little "reset" action, check out this detox eating plan I discovered last spring in Yoga Journal.  It is short term (3 days) and gently eliminates the accumulated toxins in your body through eating simple foods and avoiding caffeine, meat, and added sugar. Say "adios" to the holiday treats until next year and welcome your healthy eating habits back into your life. Your body will thank you! 

If you are hungry for more, you can also join the 21 Day Yoga Challenge.